Data Protection Policy

Data Protection Policy


A Information on data processing

B Declaration of consent

  1. Customer account registration
  2. Newsletter subscription

C Attachment: Cookie Details

Transparency when dealing with our customers' data is especially important to us. In the Data Protection Policy below, we therefore aim to keep you fully informed as to the type, extent and purpose of the collection, storage, use and processing of personal data in the online shop This Data Protection Policy is available to view on the respective website ("online shop").

Personal data is all information which refers to an identified or identifiable natural person; a natural person is regarded as identifiable if they can be directly or indirectly identified.

This Data Protection Policy applies to the use of data which we collect or become aware of in the scope of the use of the online shop. It does not apply to the websites and services of other providers, which one of our websites or one of our services might link to, unless this Data Protection Policy is lodged on those respective websites also. We recommend that you read the data protection policy of every other service provider you make use of them, in particular before you make your personal data available to them.

The provider of this website and the data controller as responsible party within the meaning of data protection law is smartdogs LLC, (hereinafter: "we"/"us"). 

The website external data protection officer can be reached at:

You can retrieve this information at any time from our website and contact our data protection officer with questions or concerns.


A Information on data processing 

We process your personal data in particular when you visit our website, if you create a customer account, log into an existing account and if you order products in the online shop. We only use your data in accordance with the applicable statutory provisions (in particular, the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), German Telemedia Act (TMG) and the German Federal Data Protection Act, German Telemedia Act (TMG) and German Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG) new version) and this Data Protection Policy as well as, where applicable, in accordance with your prior consent.

In many cases we only use pseudonymised or anonymised data. In the case of anonymisation, your data is amended or abbreviated in such a way that it can no longer be attributed to a specific person. In the case of pseudonymisation, the processing of personal data is carried out in such a way that it can no longer be attributed to a specific person without the addition of further information, provided this additional information is stored separately and subject to technical and organisational measures which ensure that the personal data is not attributed to an identified or identifiable natural person.


1. Order data   

You can place orders in the online shop as a guest without setting up a customer account. If you place an order in the online shop as a guest, we process the personal data provided by you to the extent necessary for fulfilling the order and to comply with our contractual and statutory obligations.


a. What order data is collected?

The information that is absolutely necessary for the conclusion of a contract are marked as mandatory fields in the data entry form in the scope of the order submission. All information not marked as mandatory is voluntary. In the scope of an order, we collect information regarding

  • Title
  • Names
  • Delivery and invoice address
  • Email address
  • Date of birth (optional)
  • Payment method selected by you
  • Shipping method
  • Where applicable, payment data (dependent on payment type)


b. Payment via PayPal

In our shop, you can choose to pay using PayPal. PayPal is an online payment provider through which payments can be made using your account, which has been set up separately with PayPal. The European operating company of PayPal is PayPal (Europe) S.à.r.l. & Cie. S.C.A., 22-24 Boulevard Royal, 2449 Luxembourg, Luxembourg.

When you pay using PayPal, some order data is automatically transmitted to PayPal, usually first name, surname, address, email address, IP address, telephone number, mobile telephone number or other data which is necessary for the purposes of processing payment as such data is directly connected to your order.

This transmission of data is undertaken for the purpose of processing the payment and preventing fraud (legal basis: Art 6 (1) (b) GDPR and Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR). When the payment method of PayPal is selected, payment data is also processed by PayPal in accordance with its data protection policy, which you can view here at


c. For what purposes do we collect, process and use order data?

To avoid typing errors, we check, where applicable during entry of information, the completeness and accuracy of your address and we use, without any broader declaration of consent, the data provided in the scope of a guest order exclusively to fulfil, implement and terminate the contractual relationship (legal basis: Art. 6 (1) (b) GDPR).


2. Customer account 

In order to make your repeat use of our online shop easier and to offer you a service tailored to your individual interests, you have the option of setting up a customer account in our online shop. In the course of so doing, a range of personal data is collected and saved to your customer account (basic user data). In the scope of registration, you provided a separate consent for the processing of your data by us in accordance with the declarations below, which can be revoked at any time with effect from that point forward.


a. What data is collected and stored in the scope of a customer account?

In the scope of the registration process, you must give us several pieces of information, namely:

  • Title
  • Name
  • Home address 
  • Email address
  • Password


In the scope of registration and in the scope of the use of our online shop, you will at times have the opportunity voluntarily to add further information to your customer account. This information could be, for example:

  • An alternative delivery address
  • Birthday 
  • Further contact information
  • Gender, breed, name and age of pet 
  • Personal preferences


and other data related to your person. You can view, edit or delete this information at any time in your customer account.

In addition, we store, to your customer account, information regarding orders placed via your customer account (type and date of your orders), the preferred payment type, invoice data, different delivery addresses and the progress of the order as well as information you provide in response to direct requests or in connection with surveys from the data controllers, in particular regarding the breed, age and preferences of your pet and regarding SmartDogs brand products as well as, where applicable, products from other brands, which we offer in our online shop.


b. Email advertising without subscribing to the newsletter and your right of revocation

If we receive your email address in connection with the sale of a good or service and you have not ojected there to, we reserve the right, on the basic of Sec. 7 (3) UWG, to send you regular offers via email regarding products from our range similar to those already purchased. This serves to protect our overriding legitimate interest, in a balancing of interest, in marketing to our customers. You can object to this use of your email address at any time by sending a message to the contact option below or via a link provided for this purpose in the advertising email, without incurring anything further costs than the communication costs according to the basic tariffs.

c. For what purposes do we process the information stored in the customer account? 

We use your data provided in the scope of your registration, to fulfil, implement and terminate the contractual relationship (legal basis: Art. 6 (1) (b) GDPR) and based on your prior consent (legal basis: Art. 6 (1) (a) GDPR), in order to open an individual customer account for you so that you may use the online shop, to satisfy your requests, to process your orders and to send you purchase confirmations and other account and use related information. In addition to that, we use the data for statistical purposes in order to improve user friendliness and to expand the service. When registering a customer account, you are thereby declaring your consent to our using the information stored to your customer account in order to present you with specific product offers according to your interests, e.g. in that advertisements within our online shop are tailored to suit your specific interests (interest-related advertising) or to inform you, using the contact details you have provided (e.g. email, post, telephone), of product offers which correspond to your interests or your previous order behaviour. We use the information saved to your customer account for the following purposes in particular: 

  • to process orders;
  • to offer customer service and to process customer requests;
  • to tailor product offers and advertisements in the online shop to your individual interests;
  • information regarding product offers corresponding to your interests;
  • newsletter subscriptions, including individual newsletter advertisements, provided you have given us your prior express consent to this;
  • to analyse the performance of our online shop, in order to ensure the proper operation of our shop and to detect and remedy errors and security risks as well as to improve our website according to our customers' requirements;
  • to enable you to create a personal customer profile and to inspect your past orders and to track the progress of your orders; 
  • to enable your (personalised) use of our website and services, including enquiries regarding product and customer service, advertising and login;


d. How long is basic user data retained?

The data is generally stored to the existing customer account until such time as the customer account is deleted. Insofar as there is a use of declarations of consent, the use will continue until receipt of a notification of revocation. We hereby note that we may be obliged, on the basis of statutory obligations, in particular provisions under tax law and commercial regulations, to archive the relevant personal data even beyond the time the revocation takes effect (legal basis as of 26 May 2018: Art. 6 (1) (c) GDPR). In such a case, the data is locked on receipt of a revocation and deleted after the relevant statutory time period has expired.


3. Usage data

In addition to the information you actively provide to us, we automatically collect a range of data as users use our online shop, in particular on the manner and extent of the use of our services, which requires no action on the part of the user.


a. What data is automatically collected?

Automatically collected data includes not directly personal data, such as the time and duration of access to our shop, the pages displayed and products viewed, the type, number and frequency of products placed in the shopping basket, abandonments before and after goods are placed in the shopping basket, cancellations in the scope of finalising the order, search terms used and the web pages from which you came to our website as well as other data automatically transmitted from your PC or your mobile device e.g. in the form of internet log files with information in particular on the hardware used by you, your operating system, browser information, language settings, your screen resolution and your internet service provider. This data is collected by us only in anonymised form for statistical purposes and is not associated with you or your customer account.

In the course of the use of our online shop via your customer account, we also collect a range of usage related data, namely about the orders you place, the status of the order, your preferred shipping and payment methods, the tracking ID assigned by the shipping provider, information on returns made by you and information on the number and content of reviews submitted by you. You also have the opportunity to create a list for products which you are interested in and which you would like to make note of for a later visit. This information is saved to your customer account and you can view it there. We also collect, for statistical analysis purposes, information on the number and frequency of visits you make to our online shop and the number and type of your orders. These statistical values are associated with your customer account but are not able to be viewed therein.


b. For what purposes do we process usage data?

We use your data to enable your use of our services, to resolve technical problems, to ensure the continuous functioning of our products and services and to improve and further develop these according to the needs of our users. We use the automatically collected (anonymised or pseudonymised) usage data, which is not saved to your customer account, to the extent required to preserve legitimate interests and provided this is not precluded by overriding interests of the users in the protection of their personal data (legal basis: Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR), in particular for the following purposes:

  • to be ale to undertake targeted marketing measures on the basis of information on your usage of our website
  • to ascertain the success of marketing measures, in particular conversion rates in the case of advertisements and newsletters;
  • to gain an improved understanding of user behaviour in order to optimise our shop processes;
  • to ascertain your approximate location in order to offer country and language specific services and functions as well as statistical analyses on the use of our services;
  • to check the functionality of our shop and eliminate any sources of error and security risks.


We process the data associated with your customer account in accordance with the declaration of consent provided by you (legal basis: Art. 6 (1) (a) GDPR) for the purposes specified under 2. (b) and for the duration specified in 2. (c).


c. In what way is data automatically collected?

For the automated collection of usage data, we use technologies such as cookies, in order to collect passive usage data from our website without your active input. These include, in particular:


(a) Cookies

Cookies are small text files which are stored on your computer, or other end device, when you use our services. Usage data can be stored in these cookies, in order to record your preferences, log-in details and settings for future visits or to personalise the advertisments displayed within our website to the respective user. Where applicable, cookies are used to create links to information regarding the orders you place or pages you view. This information is used, for example, to track your shopping basket and ensure that you are not repeatedly shown the same advertising. In addition, we use cookies to offer you content and advertisements that are tailored to your interests and to record your usage of the website for statistical purposes.

In addition to the cookies that we set during the use of our services, where applicable third party providers can also store cookies when you visit our websites. This occurs because we have commissioned third parties to collect information for us, for example for statistical usage analysis (e.g. in the scope of the use of Google Analytics).

Most browsers are automatically set to accept cookies when visiting a website. You can deactivate cookies or set your browser to display a warning as soon as cookies are sent. However, when cookies are deactivated some sections of our website may not function properly. You can set your web browser so that a warning is displayed when there is an attempt to place cookies on your computer or so that the type of cookies permitted by you is limited.

We use cookies to the extent required to preserve legitimate interests, namely to enable an effective and user friendly online shop and provided this is not precluded by overriding interests of the users in the protection of their personal data (legal basis: Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR)..

The cookies used after you have logged into your customer account remain in your cache until you log out or clear your browser cache. If you do not log in, the cookie remains stored until the end of your session and is then automatically deleted ("session cookie").

 For information on and management of cookies deployed by us, we use the service Cookiebot. You can view and modify your settings on the use of cookies on ur website here.

(b) Internet log files

Where applicable, we also store log files which your PC automatically transmits to our webserver. These log files typically contain information about your computer or your end device, in particular browser type/version, operating system used, URL of the linking websites and date and time of the visit.


(c) Other technology 

a. Google Analytics

We sometimes use Google Analytics on our websites, a web analytics tool from Google Ireland Limited, Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Irland ("Google"). Google Analytics uses "cookies" which are stored on your PC and which enable an analysis of your use of the website. The information generated by the cookie includes, for example, browser type/ version, operating system used, screen resolution, referrer URL ( the website visited prior to this one), anonymised IP address of the computer used to access the website, time spent on individual pages, time for server request, time spent on individual pages, files downloaded, videos watched, advertising banners clicked on, active orders, sequence of clicks etc. You can find more information on the cookies used by Google here.

This information, could in some circumstances, be transmitted to one of Googles servers in the USA and stored there. Google has committed to complying with the Privacy Shield Agreement published by the US Department of ommerce between the EU and the USA regarding the collection, use and storage of personal data from EU Member States. You can find the corresponding certificate here.

We use Google Analytics on our website with an IP anonymisation tool, with which your IP address, when collected by Google Analytics is, in Member States of the European Union or in other states which are party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area, abbreviated beforehand and thus is transmitted by Google exclusively in anonymised form.

Google uses the information collected on our behalf on the basis of a contractual agreement entered into between Google and ourselves, in order to statistically evaluate the use of the website for us in aggregated form, to create reports on the website activities and behaviour of users on our website and to provide us with other analysis services related to the website and its use.

Comprehensive information from Google on data processing in connection with Google Analytics can be found here.

The maximum retention period we have chosen for data associated with cookies or User IDs and advertising IDs is 14 months. After this time period has expired, the data will be automatically deleted.

The legal basis for the use of Google Analytics is Art. 6 (1) first sentence (f) GDPR. The legitimate interest in processing the data is to analyse usage data and, on the basis of the knowledge gained, identify and remedy errors and to optimise the design of our website, including in relation to increasig the conversion rate.

As far as data processing based on Art. 6 (1) first sentence (f) GDPR is concerned, you have a right to object, without prejudice to other rights. For more on this, see Section 11 "Rights of the Data Subject".

You can prevent cookies being stored by adjusting your browser settings accordingly;
moreover, you can delete stored cookies using our browser. Preventing or deleting cookies may render, in some circumstances, the use of certain functions of the website impossible or inconvenient.

In addition, you can deactivate the Google Analytics function using a browser add- on which you can download here: https// To do this, you must install that browser add on on all devices you use. This prevents the analysis information from being sent to Google. Alternatively, you can set a so-called opt-out cookie by clicking in this link:

which prevents data being collected by Google Analytics in future. Please note, however, that on deleting cookies in your browser settings, this opt-out cookie will also be deleted and must be set once more.


b. Google remarketing

We use the service DoubleClick on our website as well as other remarketing tools from Google Ireland Limited, Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Irland ("Google").

DoubleClick and other remarketing tools from Google use cookies in order to present you with relevant advertising. For this process, your browser is assigned a pseudonymised identification number (ID) in order to record your usage behaviour. The cookie enables Google and its parter websites to place advertisements, based on your previous visits to our website or other websites, which are tailored to your usage behaviour. The cookie enables Google and its partner websites to place advertisements, based on your previous visits to our website or other websites, which are tailored to your usage behaviour and which should therefore match your interests. The cookies do not contain any other information about about your person. The information generated by the cookies is transferred by Google for analysis to a server in the USA and stored there. Google has committed to complying with the Privacy Shield Agreement, published by the US Department of Commerce, between the EU and the USA regarding the collection, use and storage of personal data from EU Member States. You can find the certificate here. Any transfer of data by Google to third parties is always performed in line with statutory rules or in the scope of the data processing. Under no circumstances will Google associate your data with other data collected by Google. You can find comprehensive information from Google on data processing in connection with DoubleClick and other Google remarketing tools here.

The processing of your data in connection with DoubleClick is based on our legitimate interest in being able to have advertising which has been deemed relevant to you on the basis of the use of our website presented to you and thus to be able to conduct more effective marketing measures (Art. 6 (1) first sentence (f) GDPR).

As far as data processing based on Art. 6 (1) first sentence (f) GDPR is concerned, you have a right to object, without prejudice to other rights. For more on this, see Section 11 "Rights of the Data Subject".

You can block the storage of DoubleClick cookies, as explained below.

You can prevent cookies being stored by adjusting your browser settings accordingly; moreover, you can delete stored cookies using your browser. Preventing or deleting cookies may render, in some circumstances, the use of certain functions of the website impossible or inconvenient.

In addition, you can deactivate the DoubleClick function using a browser add-on which you can download here. To do this, you must install that browser add-on on all devices you use. This prevents the analysis information from being sent to Google. Alternatively, you can deactivate the DoubleClick cookies on the website of the Digital Advertising Alliance using the following link, which enables you to set a so-called opt-out cookie. Please note, however, that if you delete cookies in your browser settings, this opt-out cookie will also be deleted and must be set once more.

c. Google Ads conversion tracking

We use Google Ads conversion tracking on our website, a tracking tool from Google Ireland Limited, Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Irland ("Google").

Whenever you click on an advertisement displayed by Google, a cookie is stored on your computer for conversion tracking purposes. These cookies expire after 30 days and do not contain any personal data. If you arrive on our website via an advertisement displayed by Google, this enables Google and us to know that you have clicked on the advertisement and have thus been forwarded to this site. The information obtained with the aid of the conversion cookie serves the purposes of compiling conversion statistics for Google Ads customers in order to track the effectiveness of certain advertisements. These tell us the total number of users who have clicked on their advert and been forwarded to a particular page. However, we do not receive any information on individual users and their behaviour which we are able to trace back to a particular user. You can find comprehensive information from Google on data processing in connection with Google Ads conversion tracking here.

You can prevent cookies being stored by adjusting your browser settings accordingly; moreover, you can delete stored cookies using your browser. Preventing or deleting cookies may render, in some circumstances, the use of certain functions of the website impossible or inconvenient.

Alternatively, you can set your browser such that only cookies from third parties or only cookies from the domain “” are blocked.

The legal basis for the use of Google Ads tracking is Art. 6 (1) first sentence (f) GDPR. The legitimate interest in processing the data is to analyse the success of our Google Ads and, on the basis of the knowledge gained, to optimise the design of our adverts, including in relation to increasing the conversion rate.

As far as data processing based on Art. 6 (1) first sentence (f) GDPR is concerned, you have a right to object, without prejudice to other rights. For more on this, see Section 11 "Rights of the Data Subject" You can also prevent Google Ads conversion tracking by blocking the storage of cookies.


d. Integration of the Trusted Shops Trustbadge 

To display our Trusted Shops trustmark and any reviews that might be collected as well as to offer the Trusted Shops products for purchasers after an order has been placed, the Trusted Shops Trustbadge has been integrated into this website.

This serves to protect our overriding legitimate interest, in a balancing of interests, in optimising our marketing efforts (legal basis: Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR). The Trustbadge and the services advertised using it are provided by Trusted Shops GmbH, Subbelrather Str. 15C, 50823 Köln.

When retrieving the Trustbadge, the web server automatically stores a so-called server log file which contains, for example, your IP address, date and time of retrieval, transferred data volume and the requesting provider (access data), and documents the retrieval. This access data is not analysed and is automatically overwritten at the latest seven days after the end of your visit to the website.

Further personal data is only transmitted to Trusted Shops to the extent you decide, after completing an order, to use Trusted Shops products or have already registered for such use. In this case, the contractual agreement between you and Trusted Shops applies.

e. IntelliAd

On our website, we use the web analysis service Bid-Management intelliAd from intelliAd Media GmbH, Sendlinger Str. 7, 80331 München (“intelliAd”). In order to ensure the design of this website is tailored to visitors’ needs and is as effective as possible, anonymised user data is collected by intelliAd and stored in aggregated form. From this data, usage profiles are created using pseudonyms. For this purpose, intelliAd uses cookies which are stored locally.

Both we and intelliAd may use the pseudonymised usage data and profiles to identify specific user interests and may use this information for tailoring the design and optimising the website. This data usage does not allow any conclusion to be drawn as to your identity as a website visitor.

You can prevent the tracking by intelliAd using a so-called opt-out cookie. This can be installed from here. Please note that if you delete cookies through your browser settings, the opt-out cookie will also be deleted and must be newly downloaded in order to continue to prevent tracking by intelliAd.

The legal basis for the use of intelliAd is Art. 6 (1) first sentence (f) GDPR. The legitimate interest in processing the data is to analyse the use of our website and, on the basis of the knowledge gained, to optimise the design of our website and the content on it.

As far as data processing based on Art. 6 (1) first sentence (f) GDPR is concerned, you have a right to object, without prejudice to other rights. For more on this, see Section 11 "Rights of the Data Subject" You can also prevent Google Ads conversion tracking by setting a corresponding opt-out cookie, as described above, on all end devices.

f. Partner programme for the HUNTER online shop

We offer our partners the option of participating in the SmartDogs Partner Programme. This programme gives the customers of selected local SmartDogs  monobrand stores the ability to purchase high-quality SmartDogs  products from a trustworthy online source. Through the SmartDogs Partner Programme, customers can visit the SmartDogs   online shop at directly from the website of the local partner, and order products there. If you arrive in the SmartDogs online shop via a link on one our local partners' websites, our shop software will register that you have done so by storing a so-called Partner-ID. These partner IDs will also be automatically assigned to customers coming from the postcode area assigned to a particular partner. The sales generated from customers who have arrived at the SmartDogs  online shop via the respective partner, or from customers who are assigned to a specific partner on the basis of their postcode, are also recorded. The purpose of this is to calculate the revenue share due to the respective partner in the scope of the SmartDogs Partner Programme. The respective partner generally receives no information on the individual customers who reached the SmartDogs  online shop via that partner, only cumulated sales figures. To the extent required to review the payments contractually due to the partner, in exceptional circumstances additional information without direct personal reference, such as order data, may be sent to the partner.

The legal basis for the processing of data in connection with the SmartDogs  Partner Programme is Art. 6 (1) first sentence (f) GDPR. The legitimate interest in this processing is our interest in providing a respectable and consistent online presence for our SmartDogs  monobrand partners and the associated brand management and certainty for our customers.

As far as data processing based on Art. 6 (1) first sentence (f) GDPR is concerned, you have a right to object, without prejudice to other rights. For more on this, see Section 11 "Rights of the Data Subject".

g. Mouseflow
This website uses Mouseflow, a web analysis tool of Mouseflow ApS, Flaesketorvet 68, 1711 Copenhagen, Denmark, to record randomly selected individual visits (only with anonymised IP address). This results in a protocol of mouse movements, mouse clicks and keyboard interaction, with the intention of randomly reproducing individual visits to this website as so-called session replays and evaluating them in the form of so-called heat maps and deriving potential improvements for this website. The data collected by mouseflow is not personal and will not be passed on to third parties and will be stored for a period of 3 months. The storage and processing of the collected data takes place within the EU. If you do not want Mouseflow to collect your data, you can object to it on all websites using Mouseflow by clicking on the following link:

h. Bing Ads Universal Event Tracking
The website uses Bing Ads Universal Event Tracking, a conversion tracking service provided by Microsoft Corporation, One Microsoft Way, Redmond, WA 98052-6399, USA.Bing Ads Universal Event Tracking uses cookies (cookie name: MUID of the domain and cookie name: MUIDB of the domain so that Nüßing GmbH and Microsoft can recognise that someone has clicked on an advertisement and has thus been forwarded to the credit card application process. The advertising service provider ad agents GmbH is responsible for the data collection for the delivery of the AdWords advertisements. Further information on the usage and data protection guidelines for this product can be found here: Data processed and linked with cookies will be automatically deleted after 1 year and 1 month for the MUID cookie and after 2 years and 1 month for the MUID cookie. Purpose of processing:Nüßing GmbH uses this service for targeting and advertising purposes.objection:If you wish to permanently object to this user-based advertising, you can set a corresponding opt-out cookie on your computer via the following link:

i. Google Tag Manager
The website uses the Google Tag Manager. This service allows website tags to be managed through an interface. The Google Tag Manager only implements tags. No cookies are set and no personal data is collected. The Google Tag Manager triggers other tags that may collect data. The Google Tag Manager does not access this data. If deactivation has been made at the domain or cookie level, it will remain in effect for all tracking tags to the extent that they are implemented with Google Tag Manager. More information about the Google Tag Manager can be found at the following link:

On our website, a web service of the company Cybot A/S, Havnegade 39, 1058 Copenhagen, Denmark (hereinafter: is loaded.we use this data to ensure the full functionality of our this context, your browser may transmit personal data to legal basis for the data processing is Art. 6 para. 1 letter f DSGVO.the legitimate interest consists in the error-free functioning of the website. Further information on the handling of the transferred data can be found in the privacy policy of can prevent the collection and processing of your data by by deactivating the execution of script code in your browser or by installing a script blocker in your browser.

k. Google Analytics Remarketing
This website uses the functions of Google Analytics Remarketingin conjunction with the cross-device functions of Google Ads and Google DoubleClick. This website is provided by Google Ireland Limited ("Google"), Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland, which enables you to link the advertising target groups created with Google Analytics Remarketing to the cross-device functions of Google Ads and Google DoubleClick. In this way, interest-based, personalised advertising messages that have been customised for you on one device (e.g. mobile phone) based on your previous usage and browsing habits can be displayed on another of your devices (e.g. tablet or PC). If you have given your consent, Google will link your web and app browsing history to your Google Account for this purpose. In this way, the same personalised advertising messages can be displayed on every device on which you log in with your Google Account. To support this function, Google Analytics collects Google-authenticated IDs of users,

l. Push notifications
You can register to receive so-called push notifications. For this we use the "CleverPush" service, which is operated by CleverPush GmbH, Nagelsweg 22, 20097 Hamburg, Germany ("CleverPush").
Through our push notifications, you will receive regular information about promotions, discounts, availability, competitions and new products.
In order to register for the Push Notifications, you must confirm the query of your browser or terminal device to receive the notifications. This process is documented and stored by CleverPush. For this purpose, the time of registration and a push token or device ID is saved. This data serves on the one hand to be able to send you the push notifications and on the other hand as proof of your registration. The legal basis for this processing is your consent and thus Art. 6 para. 1 lit. a DSGVO.
CleverPush also evaluates our push notifications statistically. CleverPush can thus recognise whether and when our push notifications were displayed and clicked on. This enables us to determine which push notifications are of interest to the recipients in order to match future messages to the presumed interests of all recipients and thus increase the interest in our offer. In addition to the push token or device ID, we also store the main topic of the app on which the push notifications were activated (e.g. business, sports, etc.) We also use this information to send push notifications to the corresponding subscribers who are in their presumed interests. The legal basis for the processing is in each case Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. f DSGVO. The assignment of a push token or device ID to a specific person only takes place if we should be legally obliged to do so, to defend against claims against us if this is required as evidence, and to prosecute possible violations of the law.
You can revoke your consent to the storage and use of your personal data to receive our push notifications at any time with effect for the future. Furthermore, you can object to the use of personal data as described above at any time on the basis of Art. 6 para. 1 letter f. Please revoke your consent for this purpose. You can revoke your consent in the settings provided for this purpose for receiving push notifications in the settings of your device or browser.
Your data will be deleted as soon as they are no longer required for the purpose for which they were collected. Your data will therefore be stored for as long as the subscription to our push notifications is active.
The cancellation process is explained in detail under the following link:
In order to accelerate the retrieval of content (e.g. images) and to defend against attacks CleverPush uses the offers of, an offer of Cloudflare, Inc.
CleverPush does not store any data on the servers of Cloudflare that contain personal data, but only general content such as texts or pictures. When retrieving these contents, the terminal device used by you will establish a connection to Cloudflare and the IP address of the terminal device used by you will be processed.

4. Contact form

We offer the possibility of making contact with our customer support through means of an electronic contact form. In the scope of queries sent in this way, the following information must be provided, which serves the mutual interests in the allocation of queries, the processing of the queries and the resolution of underlying problems (legal basis as of 26 May 2018: Art. 6 (1) (b) GDPR and Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR) and which is stored until the query has been resolved:

  • Title
  • First name, surname
  • Email address 
  • Subject of the query


Further information may be supplied voluntarily.

We collect, store and use the data provided by you in the scope of making contact with us, exclusively for the purposes of processing the query and resolving the underlying problem, and it is deleted after fulfilling these purposes, provided that a retention beyond that or any other processing is not required for the fulfilment of the contract with you or to implement precontractual measures which are carried out at your request, (legal basis: Art 6 (1) (b) GDPR) or to fulfil a legal obligation incumbent upon us (legal basis: Art. 6 (1) (c) GDPR).

In the scope of such queries, we also collect information for statistical purposes about the number of queries sent in a certain period of time as well as the frequency of queries regarding specific subjects, in order to optimise our website and our customer service, provided that this is not precluded by users' overriding interests in the protection of their personal data (legal basis: Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR). This data is stored and used exclusively in anonymised, aggregated form.


5. Disclosure of data to third parties

Generally, we do not pass on any personal user data to third parties without your express prior consent.

In order to provide some services, we work with service providers (e.g. payment service providers, hosting providers etc.) who may, in the course of providing the respective service, process personal data on our instruction and on the basis of a commissioned data processing agreement.

Moreover, your data is only passed on in special exceptional cases, where we are obliged or entitled to do so by statute or upon binding order from an official body..


6. Where is the data stored?

We store and process data collected in connection with the use of our shop exclusively on servers located inside the European Union..


7. How do we protect your personal data? 

We make all reasonable efforts to protect your personal data and to ensure the security of our systems using the latest available technology. To this end, we use, among other things, state of the art encryption methods (SSL encryption). At the same time, it should be noted that no type of transmission via the internet or method of electronic data storage is 100% secure. We can therefore offer no guarantee against unauthorised access to our servers and systems.


8. Duration of storage

Unless it follows otherwise from this Data Protection Policy, we store personal data which we obtain during the use of our website only for as long as the purpose for which you have entrusted it to us is fullfilled or for as long as we are obligated to do so under the law. Once the intended purpose no longer exists, your personal data is completely deleted.


9. Social media sites

On our website, we link to our company pages on the following companies' social media platforms:


Please note, in the event that you visit these linked sites, information may be collected and processed by the respective platform provider, which may be associated with your respective user account and stored and used according to the data protection provisions of the respective platform operator. Please take time to find out about the manner and extent of data use by the relevant platform operator before visiting the linked sites.


10. Subscription to our newsletter 

You have the opportunity to subscribe to our newsletter. We use the data provided in connection with the newsletter (email address and name) in accordance with the consent provided by you (legal basis: Art. 6 (1) (a) GDPR), in order to inform you about current offers and innovations related to products from the SmartDogs  brand and where applicable products of other brands.

You will have the opportunity, where applicable, when subscribing to the newsletter or at a later time, to provide additional information regarding your personal preferences, which will be used to create a newsletter for you tailored to your actual interests.

The newsletter can generally only be received if you have confirmed the confirmation email (double opt-in process), in order to ensure that you, as owner of the corresponding email address, have genuinely given your consent to receive the newsletter. The consent to process personal data for the purpose of sending the newsletter can be revoked at any time with effect from that point forward. Revoking consent does not affect the lawfulness of such processing carried out on the basis of the consent prior to the revocation. 


11. Rights of the data subject

a) You have the right to request confirmation from us on whether we are processing personal data concerning you. If this is the case, you have a right to information regarding this personal data (Art. 15 GDPR in conjunction with Sec. 34 BDSG (German Federal Data Protection Act)). This does not apply if

  • the data is only stored because it may not be deleted due to data retention rules set out in the law or the company statutes or
  • the storage is for the sole purpose of backing up data or data protection monitoring

and the provision of information would require a disproportionate cost and effort and any processing for other purposes has been excluded using appropriate technical and organisational measures. 

b) You also have the right to request that inaccurate personal data be rectified and where applicable - taking into account the purposes of the processing - incomplete personal data be completed, including by means of a supplementary statement (Art. 16 GDPR). Moreover, in the cases set out in Art. 17 (1) (a) to (f) GDPR, you have the right to erasure of personal data provided none of the exceptions under Art. 17 (3) GDPR applies, as well as a right to restriction of processing in the cases set out in Art. 18 (1) GDPR. There is also a right to have data portability ensured in the cases laid out in Art. 20 (1) GDPR. 

c) You have the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority if you consider that the processing of personal data relating to you infringes the GDPR.

d) The right to object to processing on the basis of legitimate interests


To the extent the processing of data is based on Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR ("legitimate interests"), you have the right to object at any time, for reasons related to your particular situation, to the processing of personal data concerning you. If you exercise your right to object, this can lead to you only being able to use our overall website or individual services or functions to a limited extent, or not at all.


To assert your rights or ask questions on the subject of data protection, you can contact us at any time,  email to We are happy to help. You also have the right to complain to the competent data protection authority.


In the scope of registering a customer account or in the scope of registering for our newsletter, you have granted us express consent to use your data. The content of these declarations of consent are available to view by you at any time below. 

You can revoke consent you have granted at any time, effective from that point forward, by deleting your customer account or sending a notification of revocation to us by post or by email. We hereby note that we may be obligated, on the basis of statutory obligations, in particular provisions relating to tax law and commercial regulations, to archive the relevant personal data even beyond the time the revocation takes effect. In such a case, the data will be locked and deleted after the relevant statutory time period has expired. 

Please note that in the event that you retrospectively revoke your consent to the use of your data in the scope of a customer account, even only in part, your customer account and all data contained therein will be completely and irrevocably deleted. 

1. Customer account registration

When registering a customer account, you agreed, by activating the relevant check box, to the processing of your personal data to the extent set out below:

I hereby consent to SmartDogs LLC ("Controller") storing the data provided by me in the scope of the registration process, as well as any information voluntarily added to my customer account at a later date, and associating it with my account and processing it according to the Data Protection Policy available at, until such time as I revoke this consent. The Controller may, to the extent explained in greater detail in the Data Protection Policy, in particular save further information on my orders placed using my customer account and my settlement preferences, on information I may provide to the Responsible Parties on direct request or in connection with surveys regarding my person or my pet, as well as use-related data, such as returns made by me, information on the number and content of reviews submitted by me as well as the number and type of my orders saved on my customer account. Data provided in the scope of the registration and added later may be stored and used beyond the winding-up of the agreement and until revocation for the purposes explained in detail in the Data Protection Policy, in particular in order to open an individual customer account for me for the use of the online shop, to satisfy my requests and to send me account related and use related information, for statistical purposes to improve user-friendliness and to expand the service, in order to present me with special product offers directed at my interests, e.g. in that advertisements are tailored to suit my specific interests (interest-related advertising) or that I am informed, using the contact details provided by me (e.g. email, post, telephone), about product offers and new products from the SmartDogs  brand and where applicable products of other brands which correspond to my interests or my previous ordering behaviour or for participation in surveys and competitions on the subject of pets. To the extent that I submit product reviews via my customer account, these can be published together with my chosen username and the date of the review, for all website visitors to see. I am aware that I can revoke my consent to SmartDogs  at any time, effective from that point forward, without this affecting the lawfulness of the processing prior to the revocation. The link contained in the declaration refers to the statements in this respect in Sections 1 - 3 of the Data Protection Policy.

In the scope of signing up to our newsletter, you have agreed, by activating the relevant check box, to the processing of your personal data to the extent set out below:

I hereby declare that SmartDogs  may use my name and email address, for the purposes of sending me regular information concerning products and offers from the SmartDogs brand as well as products from other brands, where applicable, and may contact me regarding topics, surveys or competitions on the subject of pets. I have the opportunity, where applicable, to provide additional information on my personal preferences, which will be used to create a newsletter tailored to my actual interests. I am aware that I can revoke my consent to SmartDogs  either per email to or using the link in the newsletter, at any time, effective from that point forward, without this affecting the lawfulness of the processing prior to the revocation.